My name is Jakob, and I’m the director of DIVERSIunity.
Before founding DIVERSIunity I have worked eight years in research management. Five years in a research support office, working pre-award mainly with the social sciences and humanities.
During those years I was part of the first cohort of EARMA’s Cerfied Research Managers and was active in the organisation and gave presentations at the EARMA annual conference and the INORMS. I was also a board member of DARMA.
The last three years I work with internationalisation and talent development in research. During those years I saw the potential for working across organisations and learned about some of the challenges of international recruitment, culture, the career paths of researchers and the vague notions we often have of “talent”, “leadership”, “culture” and “inclusion”.
My work is personally based on my experiences as an openly gay man and the experiences I have from working in international research environments and living abroad for longer periods of time (Chambéry, France, Brussels and Cairo).
Theoretically it is based on my MA in comparative religion and rhetoric.
When I’m not out giving workshops, consulting or speaking I’m set in rural Denmark with my husband and two dogs.

Jakob Feldtfos Christensen
Founder and the director of Diversiunity.